Author Unknown

Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it. But I'm afraid God might ask me the same question.

Mother Teresa

"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My mind is mush

There are so many thoughts rattling around in my head, it will be amazing if this makes any sense. From the very beginning, I have heard that international adoption is a roller coaster and downs with new rules and changes. Your emotions are riding in the car right behind them. Well, here we go again. Except, I'm not sure if this is an up or down.

Today Ethiopia has announced that parents are to be at the court hearing. In the past, your agency represents you in court and you travel two months later for your Embassy date and bring your child home. Now, we need to be there for both. This means two trips to Ethiopia. The reason they have started this is because there is an increase in "revocation" cases. This is where a family passes court and does not pick up or accept their child. I have NO idea how anybody could do this, unless the agency was untruthful about their age or health. To insure this doesn't happen in the future, they want parents to meet the children before it is official.

There are so many questions floating around right now. Our agency is digging for answers and will hopefully know something tomorrow.
1. Do both parents need to appear in court?
2. How long is the first trip?
3. What happens if you do not pass court or MOWA is in training? (very common)
4. Who does this affect? Those who haven't filed for court already? One agency said it was only for brand new adoptions.
5. Will there be a longer time frame?

Mike and I have talked about this and we will both go on the first trip and I will go on the second. It should be a whole lot easier the second time because I'll be familiar with the scary stuff - like finding my way through airports and customs, yada yada. The only real drawbacks are $$ (of which we don't have yet) and zapping all my vacation time. Oh, and one more HUGE drawback. We will have to say goodbye on the first trip and leave her in Ethiopia for 8-10 weeks. I will probably cry all the way home. And that is a long plane ride :)

But - on the brighter side!!! There are lots of things to look forward to if this effects us:
1. We will get to hold our baby two months sooner
2. If relatives are required to be at court, we can meet them and take pictures
3. Get to experience more of Ethiopian culture
4. More raw camel kidney...oh, just kidding
5. We can take TONS of pictures. No more waiting for a few precious pictures from travelling parents. We'll have albums full to look at while we wait for our Embassy date.
6. We will know what size clothes and shoes to buy for her. Lots of pink!
7. I've heard court in Ethiopia is not like anything in the US. I will be able to describe the whole experience to our daughter one day
8. Be there the day they officially announce she is ours forever

As this starts to sink in my brain today, I am calming down. I do love to travel and can't wait to meet my daughter. I'll leave all my thoughts with the Lord and know the details will iron themselves out. They always do.

2 comments on "My mind is mush"

Charity on March 11, 2010 at 11:58 AM said...

Heather, I am right there with you. There are so many pros & cons to this. I know I could easily let my mind wander & make myself sick but then I have to stop & remember who is in control - thank goodness it's not me. God will see us through. I guess it's now time to start finding ways to pinch a few more pennies. ;0)

Sharon @ Texas to Ethiopia on March 12, 2010 at 9:07 PM said...

I'm with you on the 2 months sooner thing. I'm trying to not stress, and focus on doing some fundraising....and praying, praying, praying.

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