Author Unknown

Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it. But I'm afraid God might ask me the same question.

Mother Teresa

"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prescription for Contentment

Most of the email forwards you receive get about 1 minute of your attention. They are either sent on or deleted, rarely to be pondered again. The other day, I received a short one from a friend and I can't stop thinking about it. Very simple, very true, and very hard to do when you are on the adoption roller coaster. But maybe I should try...

Prescription for Contentment:

1. Never allow yourself to complain about anything - not even the weather.

2. Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.

3. Never compare your lot with another's.

4. Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.

5. Never dwell on tomorrow - remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours.

1 comments on "Prescription for Contentment"

Becky said...

I like this A LOT. Just printed it out for posting in places in the house where I spend the most time. Thanks for that!

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