Even though we are several months from travelling to Ethiopia, I wanted to post early about collecting items for the orphanages and care center. Since we are taking two trips now, I'm hoping to fill our bags with goodies to help the sweet children that are waiting for families.
I'll be posting this again in the future when we know more about travel dates, but if you would like to start gathering items, that would be incredible! You can also send us money and we can buy the goodies ourselves. I promise 100% will go to items on the list below. Leave a comment if you need my information. Thanks so much!
For Babies:
·Formula for babies (Bright Beginnings and Parent Choice Gentle Iron fortified powder)
·Formula for preemies (Enfamil Enfacare Powder)
·Babies seats (bumbo and bouncy seats are wonderful!)
·Mixed Cereal for older babies
·Baby Bottles
·Baby bath soap (moisturizing for dry skin is best)
·Cloth diapers (All-in-ones or prefolded with plastic diaper covers)
·Rubber pants - All sizes (to go over cloth diapers)
·Diaper Rash Cream
.Lotion (with shea butter)
For Older Children:
·Clothes needed for children through age 14 (for older girls no tank tops, shorts, short dresses, short skirts or other revealing clothing)
·Shoes – All sizes (toddlers to age 14)
·General school supplies
·Books for young children (board books and easy readers)
·Infant and child Motrin, Tylenol or other fever reducer
·Neosporin or antibiotic ointment
·Band aids
·Hydrocortisone creams
·Pedialyte or Kaolyte (prefer powdered form)
·Infant and child decongestants
·Infant and child cough syrup
·Infant and child multi vitamins
·Children’s Vitamin D supplements
·Bactoban ointment
·Anti-fungal ointment and tablets
·Nystantin (Mycostatin)
·Sheets for cribs and twin beds
·Alcohol swabs
·Saline spray or drops
·Scrubs for Nannies – various sizes (tops and pants)
.Hand sanitizer